Liberal Democrat Women announces new executive, with Cllr Donna Harris at the helm

This year's leadership team will be chaired by Councillor Donna Harris, who was first elected after a strong campaign against Lambeth Labour in 2022. Donna transformed the local party's approach to campaigning, encouraging activists to run a Borough-wide petition on Violence Against Women and Girls. She is now the party's group leader.
Councillor Harris will be supported by Young Liberal Chair, Janey Little, and Helen Cross as Vice Chair, Sue Vincent as Secretary and Lizzie Jewkes as Treasurer. They are joined on the executive by:
- Cllr Hannah Perkin, Leader of Swale Borough Council Lib Dems and a member of the Federal Council
- Cllr Jennie Batt, Ex Chair of the Lib Dem Sutton Council Group
- Cllr Kate Gregory, Cabinet Member for SEND Improvement, Oxfordshire County Council
- Cllr Hina Bokhari AM, member of the London Assembly and a Merton Councillor
- Cllr Ellen Nicholson, Executive Member for Communities and Leisure on Woking Borough Council
- Rebecca Jones, GLA candidate for North East
- Jacqui Harris Baker, a former local government chief solicitor and executive member of Lambeth Liberal Democrats
- Eleanor Kelly, honorary vice president of the Young Liberals
-Trish Kilgour, GE Election Agent for Newbury, local party chair
-Alison Rouse, Chair of the English State Party, and the English Council
Commenting, new Lib Dem Women Chair, Councillor Donna Harris, said:
"I am really honoured to have been chosen to lead such a strong team of brilliant Liberal Democrat women. We have strong roots in local government and we'll be working hard to make sure women and equality are front and centre of the party's campaigning.
"We can't wait to get started, and I'm looking forward to seeing so many old friends and new members at conference in York a week from now."